Osei-tutu (1660-1712/1717) was co-founder and first ruler of the Ashante empire. According to legend, his chief priest, Okomfo Anokye, called the Ashante peoples together in an effort to unite the nation. He then asked the heavens to produce a symbol what would unite them. A stool, covered in pure gold, floated out of the sky and landed on the lap of the first Ashante king.
The Golden Stool of the Ashante is believed to contain the soul of the nation. It is so sacred no one has ever sat on it. It is kept under the strictest security. Few have seen the original. Only the King and his most trusted advisers know where it is hidden. It is taken outside only on exceptional occasions and never comes into contact with the earth or the ground. The Golden Stool is 24 inches long x 12 inches wide x 18 inches high.
Golden Stool of Ashante
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